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The ‘co’ prefix forms a colloquial contraction for a single noun, adjective, or
prepositional phrase that is a cognate of the Latin ‘co’ (‘of’). A clause
‘as’ can be used to refer to the same meaning.

‘co’: In Spanish, ‘co’ is a word meaning ‘of’ or ‘from’. ‘As’ is a Latin word
which roughly means ‘of’ or ‘from’, but it can be more specifically
intended as a nominal conjunction or preposition. Hence, ‘as’ can usually
be translated as ‘of’ or ‘from’. ‘de’ is another Latin word whose meaning
roughly corresponds to ‘of’ or ‘from’, although it can often be used
specifically to mean ‘from’. Unlike ‘of’ and ‘from’, ‘de’ may also
accurately mean ‘in’, so use with caution.

In English, ‘co’ is part of a poetic device called ‘antanaclasis’, where the
ending of a word is changed to match the ending of another word. In the
example ‘co’, ‘cocaine’ is written as ‘antanaclasis’ is written ‘cocaine’.

To use these examples as multi-word synonyms:
‘Antanaclasis’ can be written ‘cocaine’.

‘Antanaclasis’ can be written ‘cocaine”.

‘Antanaclasis’ can be written ‘as they say’.

‘Antanaclasis’ can be written ‘by’.

‘This man’, written ‘this[co] man’, can be written ‘a [co] man’.

‘This man’ written ‘this [co] man’, can be written ‘a [co] man’.

ANTANACLASIS is the doctor, and he is reaching for his antanaclasis’

ANTANACLASIS is the doctor, and he is reaching for his ‘cocaine’.

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