LISTECH XML Validator [32|64bit]









LISTECH XML Validator With Keygen [Mac/Win] [Latest-2022]

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LISTECH XML Validator is the compact and easy-to-use application that allows you to validate an XML file. If your XML contains errors, it provides a set of prompts and a good point to correct these errors.
In addition, this tool can perform a valid check of a file to compare it with an existing file. This check is very fast and can be very usefull to detect differences between the files.
LISTECH XML Validator:
LISTECH XML Validator is the best way to validate an XML file.
LISTECH XML Validator has the following advantages:
* During the validation process, the document is opened and the file content is displayed.
* This application is very useful to validate a file for content that can be changed without a problem.
* You can perform a valid check of a file to compare it with an existing file.
* This tool can display errors that make it easier to correct them.
* You can choose to validate an XML file using an internal schema or your own file.
* LISTECH XML Validator can also detect any changes made to the XML file.
* Ease of use
* Fast check
* Ability to display differences between files
* Automatically validate an XML file
* The tool can detect changes made to a XML file
* Display errors, changes and detected changes
* The tool is supported by Windows 95 and above.
* LISTECH XML Validator is available in freeware, but you can buy the license for the commercial version of the program.
The available versions for LISTECH XML Validator:
New Version
The following improvements were incorporated in this version:
* The program can work with the internal schema that was created for LISTECH XML Validator
* LISTECH XML Validator now uses the validator XML schema instead of the XML schema file
* Listech XML Validator now allows you to save the files to your disk
* The program also has the ability to load files to read them
* New icon
* Improved functionality
* In the search function, it shows results in seconds instead of minutes
* The Program can be launched by double clicking it.
* It is now possible to update the program from the online update site
* Version 1.3.01
* Changed the validation method.
* Fixed the problem with the features of the previous versions.
* Fixed the problem with the web service.
* You can now choose the type of


Listech XML Validator is a compact application that allows you to check the content of an XML file and validate it.
The program uses the internally defined schema in order to validate the XML file and can also start an XML editor in order to modify the file.
– XML Editor: start XML Editor with file
– Browsing: check the file using the Tree view
– Saving: save file to the disk
– Validation: validate the content of the file against any defined schema
– Visualization: show the content of the XML file inside the window
– Undo/Redo: validation is only undo/redo if the XML file is opened with the validation mode checked.
– Copy/Paste: enter a clipboard mode when the file is opened in order to copy text between two documents
– Batch: perform multiple validations in the same file
– Options: Customize the menu when the file is opened
– Run with arguments: add a commandline argument to start the application when the file is opened
– Help: get detailed help information
The Program uses only the internal XML Schema to validate the files.
The XML Schema is internal to the application as it can be changed by the programmer if he/she wants, and there is no need to include external XML schemas.
File types it can validate are:
– XSD file.
– XML file.
– HTML file.
– CSS file.
– XHTML file.
– WSDL file.
– WDD file.
The validation mode:
Validation can be off, on (default), or on_files (file-type specific).
The tree view:
The tree view contains the following information
– Name: file name
– Size: size of the file
– Type: File type
– Extension: file extension
– Validation: check the content of the XML file against the XML schema
– Path: Path where the file was saved
– Screenshot: an image of the content of the XML file.
The XML editor:
This XML editor contains the following information
– Name: file name
– Size: size of the file
– Type: File type
– Extension: file extension
– Validation: check the content of the

What’s New In?

LISTECH XML Validator is a compact application that allows you to check the content of an XML file and validate it.
The program uses the internally defined schema in order to validate the XML file and can also start an XML editor in order to modify the file.
Features of LISTECH XML Validator include:
– Supports the loading of all basic schema files defined by each vendor.
– Allows you to load additional schema or validate the XML file manually.
– Supports checking multiple XML files simultaneously.
– Checks the syntax of the attributes of the elements of the XML file.
– Runs on Windows XP and later versions
– Supports both Standart and XML-Schema editing
– Has two modes: a batch mode and an interactive mode.
– Supports a file selection dialog box.
– Allows you to easily validate files loaded by other programs.
– Has a built-in XML editor.
– Has a built-in XML parser.
– Supports the saving of all results.
– Allows you to control the way the files are checked.
– Allows you to change the syntax of the validation.
– Allows you to configure the program to perform better.
– Supports the validation of all files defined by the vendor.
– Allows you to save the validation results of all files.
– Provides a graphical help file.
– Allows you to view each element’s content in the tree window.
– Can validate files defined in any vendor schema.
– Shows the optional formatting elements of the XML file as you edit it.
– Supports the validation of non-valid XML files.
– Supports checking the non-valid XML files in the HTML format.
– Provides a file selection dialog box and a tree window.
– Supports the reading of the contents of all the files in the directory specified in the file selection dialog box.
– Supports loading all files from the directory.
– Supports checking the files that the other program has loaded.
– Supports checking the files created with the same program.
– Allows the user to write the validation file.
– Supports writing the validation results.
– Allows you to change the XML file that will be checked.
– Supports checking the XML file defined by the current program.
– Provides a graphical help file.
– Supports the saving of all results.
– Supports the checking of files for multiple vendors.
– Has a tree window.
– Allows you to view the XML file in the tree window.

System Requirements For LISTECH XML Validator:

OS: Microsoft Windows® XP SP2 (SP2 or later)
Microsoft Windows® XP SP2 (SP2 or later) CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9300
Intel Core2 Quad Q9300 RAM: 4GB
40GB Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 or ATI Radeon HD 3470
OS: Microsoft Windows® Vista (SP1 or later)
Microsoft Windows® Vista (SP1 or later) CPU: Intel Core

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