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Boot Disk Eclipse Ucnv884 Freel

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Foreach issues with binding

I have a couple of issues I want to clarify.
First I got a “Warn[]” message on line:
if (model.Categories.Any(x => x.Id == category.Id))

It seems like the binding of my model.Categories is somehow changed by the second foreach.
Here is the non-working code
IList oldCats = model.Categories.Where(x => x.Id == category.Id);
if (oldCats.Count!= 0)

I also have a “Model item passed into the dictionary is of type” problem as well
if (oldCats.Count!= 0)
return RedirectToAction(“Details”, new { id = viewModel.Id });

I am wondering where I need to change my binding, or if I am using that my loop correctly.
If I loop the oldCats there are no problems and I could bind it to my view.
Hope someone can help me with this


This binding is alright, it is not problematic.
The only issue is that your code in the if statement above is executed too fast and you could have 2 categories with id equals 2 and this would be unexpected.
Consider this alternate code:
CategoryModel newCategory = null;

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Wrong. If you’re looking for beginner’s tutorials, then consult our guide to the basics of programing in Eclipse.
How to install Eclipse
It is an IDE (integrated development environment) for Java language. You don’t actually need to download the entire IDE. You simply need to download the packages that you need to install Eclipse.
How to install Eclipse
Steps to install eclipse
Step 1. You will need Java JDK as well as the JRE. JDK: jdk1.8.0_151
Step 2. Go to Eclipse repository and download Java/Eclipse/STS/Indigo for Windows
Step 3. Just unpack the zip file of you downloaded package from step 2.
Step 4. You will find the Eclipse installation in the extracted directory.
Step 5. Type “eclipse.exe” in the command prompt.
Step 6. A wizard will open and you will need to enter your admin password.
Step 7. Click finish.
Step 8. Install the Eclipse plugins that you need. Like run, eclipse, installation, Git, php.
Step 9. You can also select the workspace you want to use. And it will ask you to select the location on the hard disk where the workspace will be created.
Step 10. Finally, click finish.
Step 11. You will get a wizard again. Click close and you are done.
This article is not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial. It is meant to guide you into the correct path to install and use Eclipse.

Using the Eclipse IDE for Java developers

11.04.2011 08:02 · //FREE Boot Disk Eclipse Ucnv884 Freel. Get URL

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