AutoCAD 23.0 Free Download [Win/Mac] [Updated]


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AutoCAD Crack + Full Version Free X64

CAD software is used for a wide variety of purposes, including architecture, civil, mechanical, electrical, and industrial design, engineering, fabrication, and process control.


AutoCAD Crack Keygen was created to address the need for a CAD program suitable for microcomputer systems and as a second program in the AutoLISP programming environment.

The first version of AutoCAD Activation Code was announced in November 1982, and shipped the following year. Since its introduction, the number of AutoCAD users has grown from a few thousand to several million.

The first few versions of AutoCAD were for specific platforms (e.g., Amstrad 3201, Apple II, LSI-11, DEC PDP-11/70, HP 3000, and IBM PC) and were not universally accepted for other platforms. AutoCAD’s UI was generally clunky and difficult to use. AutoCAD was originally only sold as an operating system with a free AutoCAD program. The first version of AutoCAD was called “AutoCAD Plus” and was aimed at drawing circuit layouts for the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) programming community.

In April 1987, Autodesk released a new version of AutoCAD (version 1.5). This version came on an optical disc, and included many industry-oriented features. As of March 2016, AutoCAD version 1.5 is still being sold as the base software for use with AutoCAD software from Autodesk, Inc.

In October 1992, Autodesk acquired a small graphics software company called A-Pentium, and introduced their first version of AutoCAD Plus for the Macintosh.

In March 1999, Autodesk announced the purchase of two new companies, RapidIT and Inventor. RapidIT was a successful Windows-based 3D-modeling program. Inventor was an early web-based product for rapid interactive and collaborative design.

In November 1999, Autodesk acquired a company called Animatics, Inc., which was a pioneer in the animation and computer graphics industry. In June 2001, Autodesk acquired Archimedes Group, Inc. (the publisher of Archimedes Engineering and Design, Archimedes HR, and Autodesk’s educational products), which resulted in the formation of the Autodesk Archimedes group (A2G). This resulted in a new Autodesk product, TurboCAD, a low-cost

AutoCAD Incl Product Key Latest

AutoCAD 360, an online web-based design tool, uses a JavaScript API.

AutoCAD’s scripting capabilities include the user interface (UI) itself, and include object-oriented programming, in particular the use of inheritance, using.NET object scripting and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripting.

The documentation to the API (version 13) is available for free download and for those members of the Autodesk Platinum or Gold level of Autodesk Partner Solutions.

Object ARX

AutoCAD ObjectARX is a C++ class library for AutoCAD which can be used by C++ applications, or can be used to extend the functionality of AutoCAD from other programming languages including Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Visual LISP and JavaScript. It has a higher degree of interoperability with other AutoCAD software than the previous AutoLISP API.


AutoLISP was an automated programming language for AutoCAD and Vectorworks that was widely used as a scriptable and sharable API to create user extensions. The language was inspired by similar languages such as Visual Basic, Perl and JavaScript.

Autodesk Exchange Apps

A variety of plugins exist on the Autodesk Exchange store, and AutoCAD supports the use of APIs for interaction with Exchange. A web page of active applications is available. A JavaScript API is also supported by AutoCAD for its extension and configuration.

DXF support

AutoCAD is capable of importing and exporting to the DXF (Drawing Interchange Format) file format.

Drawing exchange

Autodesk is working on a project called DXF. It is a XML format for sharing the same data across applications and different platforms. The format includes everything from a shape, lines, text, blocks, blocks with views, styles, variables and other objects. It is also capable of storing text and raster data in the same file, allowing for edits to be made in one place. The XML format allows for better sharing across platforms.


AutoCAD allows for basic text editing, including text toolbars, text control characters and the editing of text boxes.

Graphic features

Since AutoCAD 2000, the graphic feature set has changed. The graphic features are no longer based on a simplified approach of those found in Microsoft Windows. Today, the graphic features are much more powerful and easier to

AutoCAD Crack+ Full Product Key [Mac/Win]

Install plugins Autodesk products by clicking “Plugins” and select Autodesk plugin.

Set up the folder according to the folder structure of the program.

Start the program and type “Ctrl+S” to save the file.

Copy the key (Genlib) to the zip file of autocad

Step 2: Unzip the Keygen File

1. Go to the directory.
2. Double-click on the autocadgen.bat file.
3. Click on “Ok” to launch the keygen.
4. When the keygen opens the Extract tab select “all” and click “OK”.
5. Select the box where it says “OCC”, “Validate”, “EULA”, and “Update” as shown in the following screenshot.
6. Click on “Ok”
7. Click on “All” and click “Extract”.
8. It may take a few minutes.
9. Close the extract panel.
10. The extract folder is created.
11. Copy and paste the extracted folder to the autocad folder.
12. Open the Autocad and go to File > Plugins.
13. Click on “Add External Plugins” and paste the extracted folder.
14. Click on “OK” and it will start installing the autocad plugins.
15. Click on “OK” when it finishes.
16. Close the autocad and go back to the autocadgen and double-click on autocadgen.bat.
17. Click on “Ok” and it will start extracting the key (Genlib).
18. Close the autocadgen and close the autocad.
19. Copy the key (Genlib) from the autocad.exe and paste it in the extracted folder.
20. In the extracted folder, double-click on autocadgen.bat and click on “OK”
21. It will start installing the keygen.
22. When the keygen is done installing click on “Ok” and press “Ctrl+F5”

autocadgen.bat /install [keygen]

autocadgen.bat /install /norecompile [keygen]

/install will install the keygen in autocad.
/install will also update the keygen with latest key.


What’s New in the?

New 2D blueprints

Use 2D blueprints to annotate your drawings for clarification and guidance throughout the design and development process.

Create new 2D blueprints from:

Your existing 2D blueprints

Custom layers

2D drawings imported from other software

3D models and PDFs

(video: 1:26 min.)

Save and Send

Now you can save your AutoCAD drawings to Office 365, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and OneDrive for Business with C2S, the integrated online file management and sharing tool. (video: 1:27 min.)

Save/Send and Change Tracking

Share your edits to your drawings with the team or your client using Change Tracking. Share changes and create a history of your revisions, and seamlessly see the latest changes to the entire team’s drawings. (video: 1:26 min.)

Markup Source Management

Edit, track and label your sources simultaneously. Follow a drawing’s source throughout the entire design process, from creation to publication, as a traceable and precise way to report, manage and reuse content. (video: 1:26 min.)

Protected Drawings

Now you can organize your drawings and your content into a secure hierarchy based on permissions. Access and collaborate on your protected drawings just as you do in paper.

A two-step model application process gives you full flexibility to create architectural and interior models without violating property boundaries.

Changes made to the model are also reflected in AutoCAD, so you don’t have to export and reload the entire model, providing more efficient model reuse. (video: 3:19 min.)

Exclusive 2D Blueprints

Get a separate 2D blueprint drawing of your 3D model. With 2D blueprints, you can add line-based notes and annotations to your model. If the drawing is imported into a 3D model, the notes and annotations are included in your 3D model.

Because the entire drawing is 2D, you can annotate it easily on any type of 2D surface, such as paper or a tablet.

Save, send and share 2D blueprints with other people and AutoCAD. (video: 1:25 min.)

Drafting and Modeling

Draft a 2D blueprint from 3D models and 3D sketches. You can import 3

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10 (64-bit only)
Windows 8.1
DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card (at least 128 MB)
12 GB or more of free hard disk space
1 GB or more of RAM (8 GB recommended)
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher
Broadband Internet Connection
A free copy of Live Mesh from Microsoft store
Program Compatibility:
Game Disc and Manual
System Requirements:

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