Buku Telaah Kualitas Air Pdf 13 [PORTABLE]

Buku Telaah Kualitas Air Pdf 13 [PORTABLE]


Buku Telaah Kualitas Air Pdf 13

ok so as yall know i purchased alexa in december of 2007 and ive had it from then untill. I dont
need it much anymore because i have installed smart tv on my xbox360 and ive been able to stream
my psp music onto my xbox. Last night while im bored i was thinking about ways to get more.
People with smart tv on their xbox and alexa voice remote can do it. So im wondering if i could
make my xbox act like alexa. Like i say im thinking about ways to get more people and them
watching to get alexa on there xbox remote. Is this possible and does anyone know a way?
Thanks you for any help!

I recently purchased alexa and i found out that they dont have apps for the xbox 360 and playstation 3
yet. So idk how to use the voice remote.

could i somehow get alexa to work with my xbox 360?

Thanks for any help!!

06:45 PM

Doctor Necessity

Is it possible to watch a xbox 360 video on a HTPC and play songs from xbox music?

09:21 PM


Hello there,

07:00 PM


Hik! Sweet!

I personally think there are two good ways to get Alexa to work with xbox 360.
1. use your xbox 360’s tuner and get Alexa to work with it. but since i dont have one I was wondering if you could send me one. my address and i will send you one.
2. use a USB receiver with your Alexa. You would have to make sure all the devices in your Alexa are on. My wife lets her alexa play music thru my old computer speakers which worked. just plug the usb receiver into the outlet and you are ready. The only thing i have noticed is the volume is lower than if you had a tuner as well. i dont know if thats because of the speakers or because of the receiver.

01:09 PM

Ging rak

are there any artificial voice remotes for xbox360 that can play the voice of alexa?



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