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Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.







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Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale Description:

Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library designed especially for planar graphs. This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research,

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Pigale is a graph editor and a C++ algorithm library.
This software, particularly intended for graph theoretical research, includes new algorithms based on our recent theoretical researches.
Pigale is open source software released under the GNU General Public License.
Pigale includes a full-featured graph editor in Python to allow interactive editing.
Pigale has been used by engineers and researchers. We are inspired by the Matlab Graph Editor.

Netbeans is a leading integrated development environment for Java development, which now runs on Linux, UNIX and Windows and has a plugin to allow it to run on Mac OS X. Netbeans is a free integrated development environment developed by Sun Microsystems. Netbeans’ feature set includes source editing, build automation, JavaBeans, JavaScript, HTML, XML, XSL, XINERAMA, and web services.

DocBook XML DTD is the Document Type Definition (DTD) version of DocBook. The 1.3/XML version is based on XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The revision level for this DTD (1.3) is nominally the same as that of the 1.2 version.

Sun ONE Studio is an integrated development environment for enterprise web, Java, and desktop development. Software developers can use Sun ONE Studio to create, develop, debug and release applications, while application integration specialists can use the IDE to define and run Web services and server-side Java and other business applications.
Sun ONE Studio is an extension of the Sun ONE Server product line.

Graph theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with the structural properties of graphs. Here we provide the open access preprint version of our two papers with the final version (arXiv.org), which have been uploaded to the LNCS archive. The papers can be downloaded separately on arXiv.org.

Python is a programming language originally developed by Guido van Rossum that is a general-purpose language with a focus on practical programming. Among other things, it has object-oriented features, is dynamically typed, and supports a relatively large library. Since version 2.0, Python is known for its extensive built-in data types and extensive standard library. Python runs on many operating systems, but its most powerful implementation is usually available for

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* A Graph Editor
* A Library
* A Compiler
* A Cytoscape Plugin

Pigale Questions & Answers
* What is Pigale?
* Can I save a planar graph with Pigale?
* How do I edit edges with Pigale?
* Do you support floating point numbers?
* Can I save a planar graph?
* Can I save or load a graph?
* What is the latest version of Pigale?
* Is Pigale Open Source?
* Can I get source code?

Do not submit a question without searching the internet first. Please do not add full solutions to your questions.

Feedback & Support
* I’m interested in Pigale. Please contact me!
* I have found a bug or problem in Pigale, please send it!

If you find Pigale interesting, please support our development with a donation.

Pigale source:

Thank you for understanding.


No. 99-20911
Conference Calendar






What’s New in the?

Pigale is a graph editing software for oriented planar graphs. It is a computer program for the automatic
planarization of graphs as well as the design of new graphs. Several algorithms allow to modify a graph
easily and to control its planarity.
Pigale algorithms can be used for graph theory and for graph drawing.

What can I do with it?

Pigale visualizes a graph and helps the user modify the graph or design
new graphs by applying several algorithms. It also gives many tools to
visualize a graph and automatically prove its planarity.



You need a recent version of the GCC compiler.

How does it work?

Pigale works as follows:

User enters a graph in a text editor.
Pigale takes this graph and converts it to a byte-code representation, which is independent of the original graph, and thus it is independent of the operating system. This representation is called R-code.
Pigale automatically generates a color-coded key from the R-code, called C-code. C-code can be read by a graphic software.
Pigale automatically performs a planarization of the graph in addition to the auto-generation of the R-code.
The auto-generated R-code is converted to a text file and saved in the file system. The saved R-code can be loaded by a graphical software.

Why is it so useful?

Because it is very fast to find a new planarization, and because it allows to
modify the graph easily, without a loss of planarity. These two features are
the real magic.

Best links




System Requirements:

Operating Systems:

Game and Audio Requirements:
HD Audio
Real Player
Windows Media Player
VLC Player
DVD Player
Folders for games and/or music
Notepad to edit the ZIP file
Extract tool
Skype 7.0 or later
How to play the game:
1. Install the game files. (RAR package)2. Start the game after installed.3




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