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There are many ways to customize security of non-volatile objects (files, folders, services, registry keys etc.) on Windows systems. However when it comes to volatile Windows kernel objects which are created mainly by drivers and services (allowing them to be contacted via these objects) and recreated every time the creator driver/process starts the situation is much worse.
There are some GUI tools (e.g. WinObj and WinObjEx) which can change access permissions (DACLs) of these objects, but tools for automated securing of them seem to be pretty rare. This is what WDevSec does.
WDevSec is a command line utility able to view and change access permissions (DACLs) on Windows kernel objects. It can be used with Task Scheduler or Group Policy startup scripts to automate execution of it and set appropriate access permissions on every system startup.
WDevSec can process devices, named pipes, files, sections, events, mutants (mutexes), semaphores, timers, event pairs, I/O completion ports, registry keys, directory objects, folders, symbolic links and other objects (including LPC ports) with /A option.
WDevSec can also run in background and automatically set DACLs when it receives device change notification or on specified time intervals.
With WDevSec comes with another utility – WDevList. This utility can list Windows kernel objects and (optionally) execute WDevSec on them. WDevList can be used in situations where several objects with similar names exist and they all need to be secured. WDevList can also provide bare listing as output for processing by other programs (such as batch scripts).
WDevSec uses SDDL strings containing only DACL. All account names in these strings are automatically turned to SIDs.
WDevSec may be a great solution to customize access to some Windows features as well as to third party software components. Almost every software which provides some kind of services to other programs accepts communication via some Windows kernel objects. Drivers normally create device objects, user mode software usually uses named pipes (objects in ??PIPE device), Windows components often uses LPC ports.








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WDevSec supports processing of following Windows kernel objects:
All objects listed below are shown in gray in the right part of Figure 1.
Device objects:
Device objects are created as a part of Windows device driver operation on system startup. Their DACL may need to be set and WDevSec can automatically obtain device status (values like state, available, state change time, volume etc.) to control accessibility of the device. There are certain knowledgeable drivers (for example BeFS driver) which produce unusual device objects and in case of such driver WDevSec should be configured to ignore them. WDevSec may also be used to control access to storage devices.
Named pipe objects:
Named pipes are normal user mode software communication pipes between processes. Named pipes objects may need to be disabled since their DACL is not sufficient to block read/write access to them (though they are “hidden” from view by DefaultNamedPipeNameOwner of the service). To prevent this WDevSec can set owner to the account which created named pipe and usually this is Network Service or Local System account.
Service objects:
Service objects are created as a part of user mode Windows services. WDevSec may be used to disable service account from user permissions on service logon.
User objects:
User objects are created as a part of Windows NT system for purpose of administration of Windows system. WDevSec can be used to add/remove user account from user groups.
Mutant (mutex) objects:
Mutants (mutexes) are windows kernel objects used for two programs to synchronize their activity. Mutants may need to be “locked” to prevent them to be used by other software (e.g. start other thread from one of the programs). WDevSec may also be used to set timer on mutexes to periodically unlock them.
Semaphore objects:
Semaphores are Windows kernel objects used as parts of synchronization mechanism between processes. WDevSec may be used to set timer on semaphores to periodically unlock them.
Event objects:
Event objects are components of the Windows event signaling mechanism. Events usually are started/stopped by processes. Event objects need to have permissions to start/stop other events. WDevSec may be used to set permissions on event objects to allow stoping events from other processes.
I/O completion port objects:
I/O completion ports are Windows kernel objects used for event signaling between processes. I/

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Windows DLL that works with Windows kernel objects.
Windows driver executable that works with kernel objects.
For drivers in WDevSec folder, users need to manually create initialization and shutdown scripts.
Same initialization and shutdown scripts can be used for all executable in the WDevSec folder.
The simplest possible initialization script for kernel object is:
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -s \\SECTIONS — “SEC_DRIVER”;
For drivers which use PID file, user just needs to create a empty file with this name. This way WDevSec will automatically restart all processes with file name similar to PID file.
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -s \\SECTIONS -d \\DEVICE -p \\FILE;
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -s \\SECTIONS -d \\DEVICE -u \\USERNAME -p \\FILE;
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -s \\SECTIONS -a \\ACCOUNT -p \\FILE;
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -a \\ACCOUNT -s \\SECTIONS -p \\FILE;
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -a \\ACCOUNT -s \\SECTIONS -p \\FILE “SEC_DRIVER”;
“WDevSec.cmd” -o \\DEVICE -a \\ACCOUNT -s \\SECTIONS -p \\FILE;
WDevSec can also run in background using -b command line switch.
Before using WDevSec, user should create executable init script which contains a call to WDevSec. This is a typical example of such script:
-d device name
-p file path
-a account name to be used in DACL strings
-s sections name
-o object name
-b to run program in background
WDevSec usage can be tested by executing -h flag.
WDevSec has the following configuration file options:
–exe, -e

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WDevSec is a command line utility able to view and change access permissions (DACLs) on Windows kernel objects. It can be used with Task Scheduler or Group Policy startup scripts to automate execution of it and set appropriate access permissions on every system startup.

WDevSec allows setting of access permissions on every Windows kernel object and in addition provides three automated ways of securing objects based on their name, type and existence status.

WDevSec can be used to set appropriate access permissions on every system startup. It is able to run in background and continuously scan Windows Kernel Objects list. This facility is very useful in situations where system software creates many kernel objects on startup and by default open them for access to normal user(s) and adminstrators. WDevSec could also be used to prevent access to these objects by users who are not supposed to have access to them.

WDevSec has two output modes: listed objects can be listed and processed one by one, detailed view of properties and access rights on each object is available too. To perform operation on objects it uses WinObj utility (version 2.0 only) under the hood.

WDevSec is very simple to use utility. You only need to provide it with one or more objects to operate on and it will process them with just two commands. This utility is able to operate on any type of object, but for the sake of simplicity of use command line arguments have to be given as objects’ file names (or full paths to these files).

This utility is not able to verify correct permissions set for every object. To verify changes you have to use corresponding utilities (like WinObj) which support this functionality.

WDevSec supports only modern Windows systems with Windows 2000 and later. It does not work on other Operating Systems.

Features of WDevSec:

Automated execution of setting permissions on each object on system startup.

Option to set permissions on each object continuously.

Automatically set permissions on reboot.

Right click and context menu support.

WinObj support.

Show methods of objects operation.

Limitations of WDevSec:

WDevSec will not stop processing objects if the changed permissions are not all saved in system or if anything goes wrong during this process.

When you have access to other object’s properties (their name, type etc.) to match them with objects in WDevSec’s database you have to use utilities like

What’s New In WDevSec?

WDevSec can be used for several purposes:

Automated setting of access permissions (DACLs) for some Windows objects.
Setting of security for several objects with the same name – WDevList program shows how to solve this.
Listing of objects with the same name.
WDevSec can be run in background and “list” Windows kernel objects and set permissions accordingly.

WDevSec may be used as:

Basic access control bypassing type of tool.
Custom security management software for every Windows 2003/Vista/7 computer.
Security center for Windows based corporate systems.

If you are interested in securing objects on Windows systems I suggest to examine WDevSec project.

1. Requirements

1.1 Install and run WDevSec utility.

Possible versions:

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP/Vista

Windows 2000

Windows 9x

Windows NT 4.0

1.2 Give WDevSec some space on C:\ drive

Memory allocation is done by:

SpaceAvailable RAM allocation – needed for text file parsing.

RAMExtra RAM allocation – needed for execution of command line

2. Using WDevSec

2.1 To make WDevSec start automatically for every Windows login, you need to go to: Control Panel > User Accounts, then
add the entry to the Startup folder.

2.2 To make WDevSec background process which will keep running and save access permissions, you need to go to: Control Panel, then
add the entry to the Startup folder (all entries with name Executable and CommandLine
are sent to the Task Scheduler).

2.3 With every run of WDevSec utility it will start comparing your objects with WindowsObjects.com list. If you
have some objects not in that list you can add them by clicking on Add button or enter them manually
if you need more objects or if you want WDevSec to process another version of objects.

2.4 When you click on the Save button WDevSec will process some files and make changes to access permissions
on them (DACLs).

2.5 To make WDevSec use lower or higher objects priorities (when object may be recreated) you need to edit
properties of already processed objects.

2.6 WDevSec may be started from startup scripts by


System Requirements:

Windows 7/8/10
500 mHz or greater processor
256 MB of RAM
50 MB of available space on your hard drive
DirectX 11-compatible graphics card
1. Introduction
ZDoom is an Open Source remake of the classic DOOM game. ZDoom was originally developed by Ryan Gordon (R.I.P.D) and others. It was the direct predecessor of the WarZ D-Doom project, which itself has spawned a number of open source Doom projects.





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