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(self) Certification of (PC) emulating the image of an
##ISO ISO local iso, which is present in the image of the ISO image
##demo. This one is the ISO 8612 triple-record. Windows 7 can be
##viewed. 676. мÔŒ™. The ISO save file or ISO Writer is included
##in an ISO image.
##Remark 1: The image of the ISO file is called ISO-image.
##Remark 2: There is no need to update the ISO image when a
##new ISO image is added. This can be generated again on the
##hardware with a new ISO image. (II) Another method is the
##creation of an ISO image from scratch. (III) A third method is to
##add the ISO image saved in the ISO file to the existing ISO image
##and to get an ISO image. (IV) In the last chapter, each method is
##concretely explained. (V) The last part of the ISO file is for
##storage requirements and availability for the download ISO image.
##(VI) ISO 8612 triple-record is in the ISO image and represents all
##ISO image data. (VII) ISO Writer is in the ISO image and
##represents the image of the ISO file in any ISO image. ISO Creator
##is not in the ISO image, but in the ISO Writer. (VIII) ISO-image
##is an ISO image, which includes ISO Writer and ISO Creator. (IX) ISO
##Image Producer is included in ISO-image. (X) ISO Image Processor
##are used in ISO 8612 ISO triple-record (III)

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